

VOL 8 Issue 137

One of the finest thespians of his generation recently resisted the urge to lambaste then blow away an amoral wannabe paparazzo while riding the 6 train on the New York City subway. Instead, the adept chameleon with a golden baritone remained in his character for the new Netflix drama, “Schlubs Unleashed”—an unflinching response to the feel-good exceptionalism of the quite popular “Humans of New York” book and blog—in which he plays a complacent, debt-crushed professional who contemplates every day the manifold ways in which the City shows him its utter indifference to an individual’s dignity and comfort. As the phone-wielder snickered and forwarded the pic to the New York Post in hopes of capitalizing on another’s inconvenience and apparent boredom, the performer masterfully propped his head and silently went over a line by the screenwriter team, “The City doesn’t care if I am here or not, if I am someone or nobody. Maybe I should move up to the front car and look up the tracks and into the future. Nah, I’ll just keep sitting here.”